
September Inspiration

My September inspiration is the individual (that I unfortunately can not name on public) who has inspired the ideas behind my poems. The best pieces of writing come out during emotional times. Through this, an individual is able to pour all their feelings on a paper, therefore making the piece more authentic and personal. Such pieces also have greater meaning as there is a story behind them and a the inner soul of the poetic speaking. This individual caused emotional conflict in my life that I got through by writing about. I feel as if writing is a big part of my life as I am able to express my life through creativity. “A black galaxy” and “If you had said so”, were both inspired by this certain individual. Although this individual has left me sad, one good thing they left behind were the ideas of new pieces. These pieces are perhaps the one of the best pieces I have ever written. There was so to tell from my side of the conflict that created such meaningful and creative poems. So, I thank this individual for entering my life to leave behind a legacy of their memories that have now been constructed into excellent poems. Without the experience, I would’ve never found my true writing potential.


October Inspiration

My October inspiration was Prince Ea. To be a bit more specific, Prince Ea’s, “The People VS. The School System”. This video was so impactful and motivating. This man explains how school systems expect the same capabilities from each student, and creativity is not given much importance. Each child comes with their own talents. Just because they aren’t good at math or science, doesn’t mean they are useless. This is the problem with most school systems. Many of them emphasize the importance of the core subjects that lead to more professional careers such as math or science. School systems lack the ability to accept creativity. We need to realize that there are children that want something different. Maybe their hearts lay in dance, but they are constantly pushed and pushed to excel in math. How can they be good at something that is just simply not their cup of tea. Teachers set the same expectations for each student without realizing that not everyone can be good at the same subject. They set one student as the prime example and how everyone else should be like that one, excelling student. I believe this technique just brings down each student and their true capabilities. Prince Ea describes this with the example of a fish. A fish stays in its bowl where it swims around and enjoys its life to the best of it capabilities. You can’t take the fish out and tell it to climb a tree. It will literally die because it does not have the capability to do so. Students are happy with what they can do, and will excel if you let them continue what they are doing, but if you tell them to attempt something that is completely out of their range, they will fail over and over because that certain skill does not lie in their build of capabilities. I thought this idea was quite powerful. This doesn’t just apply to the school system. I think it also applies to the parents that are constantly comparing their children to other “academically better” students. You can not compare the incomparable. Human being are unique int heir own way, and we, the society must accept these differences. I thought this was a very big “aha” moment for me, also inspiring a lot of writing.

November Inspiration

Poetry Anthology:


December Inspirations

Alif: Drama Serial by Umera Ahmed


January Inspirations

¨Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.”– Unknown


”Don’t stop when you’re tired, stop when you’re done.” -Unknown

As this first semester is coming to an end, I have come to realize how many extra marks I could’ve earned for myself if only I put in just a little more effort. Usually when I am studying, I only study to point where I’m bored or tired. I think to myself, ”I’ll just finish the rest later,” or, ”I’ll just study the rest on the bus,”, but I have come to realize that this technique is not the best. By doing this, I miss out on a few key points because I never get to the: ”Oh, I’ll just do it later”. This is because I never put in the effort to go back and look at my notes for a second time, so instead of ending when I get tired, might as well just go through ALL of it properly. I think that by doing so, I will be able to get an extra one or two marks on my tests that I loose due to not knowing the content thoroughly. After losing the marks, I realize that I could’ve gotten those very easily if I had just went though the notes that I missed. This is definitely a habit that I do not want to carry into the second semester of grade twelve because I  want to reach my full potential to improve as a learner (and of course, also to impress the universities).

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